Deal for Blog Explosion Battle of the Blogs folks
Battle of the Blogs is frustrating. Most of the winning blogs are those that look immediately pretty, because most people don't take the time to actually read any content before voting.
That works to my detriment, because this blog is all about the content. Now, it may be that my essays really aren't that funny. And if I knew that, it'd be good information.
But I think SOMETIMES I lose just because the other site is prettier.
So I'll make you a deal: If you're reading this in a battle of the blogs, and you want to vote against me, go ahead. But then come back and actually read one of the essays and leave me a comment. The reason I participate in Blog Explosion is to get feedback, to see if I'm really any good at this or not. I can deal with honest criticism. I just go crazy not knowing if losing a BotB means I'm not funny, or just that I don't make as good a first impression.